
Verbatim in a List (01)

So I'm looking through transcripts and writing down important GusH dates to remember and I get a crazy, cool idea. Why not create a huge list of all their terrific lines?
This'll be a work-in-progress because it'll take a long time for it to be completely finished, but today, August 9th, will mark the beginning. And I'll break this up into years, starting with 2001 when Gus joined the show.
Enjoy re-living the memories that all this dialogue brings back to you OR if you're new to GusH, enjoy their past and their relationship through this dialogue.

Greatest GusH Lines of All Time

Harley: He has the subtlety of a pit bull, he has absolutely no humanity. To call him a stupid, arrogant jerk would be an insult to the arrogant jerks I actually know. I don't even know the word to describe him.
Gus: Boss. As of 9: 00 am tomorrow morning, the right word would be "boss." But since we'll be personal, close associates, you can call me "God."
~~~April 16

Gus: You know, it's funny to hear you speak that way, because up till now, it seems that you take everything so personally.
Harley: Well, you bring that out in me.
Gus: You have a serious attitude problem, and I would like to thank you in advance to lose it, quickly. You'd be so much better off if you would just learn to shut your mouth, and keep your eyes and ears open. You might even learn something.
Harley: Do I get to fetch your coffee, too?
~~~April 18

Gus: Thank you, Cooper, for a very productive evening.
Harley: No, no, no, no. This evening wasn't productive, it was a nightmare. A nightmare and I intend to spend the rest of it alone with antihistamines and fluids and trying to figure out how the heck I'm going to make this thing work with you without killing you in the process. And I suggest that you do the same.
Gus: Well, I don't really need to do the same, Cooper because I know how things will work out between us. Just do things my way.
~~~April 19

Gus: Rise and shine, cupcake.
Harley: What happened? What? What did you call me?
Gus: You know, this would go so much better if you just slept at home, okay?
~~~April 24

Gus: And I want to tell you that I'm sending in a commendation letter for you. Big thumbs up, blue eyes.
Harley: They're green.
~~~April 25

Harley: Hey, what do you know? I'm off the clock.
Gus: Clock still ticks wherever you are. Do you have any coffee by any chance?
Harley: I didn't make any.
Gus: I'm starting to wonder whether you're a real cop. You don't like coffee. You don't eat donuts. You have an active social life.
~~~April 30

Harley: You know what? I think I'll pass. First of all, I'm an animal lover, but also, guess who has to do all the paperwork for we've been doing?
Gus: Fine. But if you insist on eating those crackers, make sure you don't get any on my desk, all right?
~~~May 11

(Gus asks Harley if she has any food. She ends up listing different things that sound good to him.)
Harley: And the best part, I have a chocolate cake.
Gus: See, that's my weakness. I love...
Harley: Double fudge icing. I know you do. But see, the problem is, you don't like to mix business and pleasure, so unless I'm planning to bring this stuff down to the surveillance van or to the office, you're not getting any.
Gus: The cake alone, by itself, with the icing, would be fine.
~~~May 15

Gus: You're pregnant. You are so pregnant!
Harley: Just because I won't get into a van for you.
Gus: Get into a van? Look at you. Look at you. You are a van.
Harley: Hey.
Gus: It's so obvious now that I look.
Harley: So I gained a couple of pounds.
~~~May 18

(Looking at Jude's sonogram)
Gus: The vertebre is like a tiny string of pearls.
Harley: Wow, I've never really-
Gus: Thought of it that way?
Harley: Yeah.
Gus: It's incredible. It's a little person. It's a baby. It's a little you.
~~~May 23

Gus: Don't you want to look at your reflection? Actually, that's where you have an opportunity to come over here and say, "Look at my reflection sure, but I can't see a reflection for you." Ho, ho. Come on, take a hit Cooper. I just gave you a freebie there. Take a shot.
~~~June 1

Harley:I'm going to be watching you like a hawk. I'm going to be making sure that you play by the book. And I mean play by the book, Aitoro. No more of this fast and funny stuff that you've been pulling, trying to get Danny's butt into the slammer. Uh-uh-uh. And if you have a problem with it, I suggest you talk to my superiors about it, because we're all on the same page. We can head over to Ross' office and we can file a report on your misconduct that will lower your career lower than a desk jockeys. I hate to tell you this, but you're stuck with me. So you may as well get used to it, okay?
After she leaves...
Gus: Damn. I've turned her into a good cop.
~~~June 15

Gus: Can I ask you something? Have you seen any of my files? I mean, did you tidy up in here?
Harley: Oh, bite your tongue. You know, I'm more than happy to see you sit in your own mess.
~~~June 25

Harley: You are the one with the obsession here. You are the one who takes this case way too personally, and I intend to find out why and stop you before you do any more damage.
Gus: Is that a threat, a threat?
Harley: You think you're a pitbull? You ain't seen nothing yet.
~~~June 26

Gus: Why don't you take a load off? It's been a long day. Can't I get you anything?
Harley: You're in my house.
Gus: Does that mean that you don't get to sit down?
Harley: I didn't invite you in.
Gus: No. But you weren't here, so I won't take it personally.
~~~August 1

Gus: What do you mean, you're having a contraction?
Harley: I mean I'm in labor. I am in labor, which is why I called Rick the doctor, not you, the idiot.
~~~October 11

Harley:You went back there because you helped me deliver my child there, and I think... I think that actually might have touched you a little bit. See, I see right through you, Aitoro. Remember I'm the one person in this town who actually knows you have a heart.
~~~October 17

Gus: But that's not why you came back [to Springfield].
Harley: No? What is the reason?
Gus: You came back for me.
~~~October 17

Gus: I know that you remember it, Harley, okay? I know that you're picturing it in your mind right now. You sat down on the couch next to me, and you were touched by my story. You were touched by me. You leaned in close, and it would have been so easy to have just given in. How many times have you replayed this over and over in your mind the last several months? How many times have you wondered what it would be like if you just had leaned in and closed your eyes?
(They share their first kiss.)
~~~October 18

Harley: Try making this one of them, because in case you hadn't noticed, we've been abducted.
Gus: Oh, is that what's going on? I thought you were just living out one of your crazy fantasies.
Harley: Of us tied back to back.
Gus: Well, I don't know what you're capable of, what little tricks you know, but you know, I'm a quick learner.
Harley: Okay, good. When we're untied we can start with me smacking you and we'll go from there.
~~~November 8

Harley: I just realized something. You can't roll on me.
Gus: What?
Harley: You can't roll on me!
Gus: Okay, why?
Harley: I'm a girl.
~~~November 8

Harley: Remember the perpetrator who duct taped our hands, tied us in the warehouse, that whole little incident? Know anything about that guy?
Gus: Cupid, you mean. I call him cupid. No, I didn't find anything. But if I did find him, I might send him a thank you card. Because you know, well, being tied up with you all night long, cheek to cheek, that's my idea of a good evening.
~~~November 29

Harley: What gives you the right to play with people's lives?
Gus: Wait a second. Excuse me, it's my life, too.
Harley: Really?
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: What were you hoping to accomplish, okay? I can't imagine what was going on in your head. What were you after?
Gus: You. Just you.
~~~December 3

Gus: You know, there was a time... We were down in our offices down at the police station once, in our cruddy little offices and this one day, you took a look down at your desk. I don't know if you were working on a case file or eating a sandwich, I don't know what it was, but it was the way that you just kind of tilted your head that day. And I just can't shake it. I mean, it kind of ran right through me. To this day, I just can't shake it.
~~~December 3

Harley: Is that a smile?
Gus: No, it's just A... Encouragement. It's not so much that I lied; that would have been okay. It's that I lied to you, right? And... And I'm touched. I just... It gives me hope for the two of us.
~~~December 18


1-Year Anniversary!!


Can you believe that one year ago TODAY they got married? Wow! And it was the best wedding I've ever seen! I wish I could see GusH celebrate, but at least I've gotten what I wanted: they're together and happy on their anniversary. And they've stayed married all this time! It's a great day for a celebration!

A toast for them: To continue to be happy...for a little while anyway And during their second year of marriage I want them to finally have a baby girl. I'm ready!



I'd like to apply my dream log questions to my recent dream. And BTW, I got them from Nickelodeon, lol, years ago.

Dream Title: Real Love

Cast of Characters: Me as Harley, Gus, and a couple of my relatives minus my parents.

Any Famous People? No

Setting: my house back in the woods

Most Exciting Moment: Sharing the chair with Gus and Gus dragging me away to be alone

How Many Stars? ***** (5 stars)

This dream set the stage for a very awesome day full of so many happy things.


A Dream So Real

OMG, I had the BEST dream last night!! It felt so real, unlike any dream I ever had before. And it's one dream I wouldn't mind being in forever.

In this dream I was Harley with Gus, but I was still me because we were at my house. But we were GusH because GusH songs were playing, and we recognized them from different parts of our history. So it was weird but very good.

Anyway...moving on... One of my family's usual summer parties was going on, but it wasn't a big party where tables of food & drinks are set up. It was small, not many relatives were there. I think the weather was good, and it was late afternoon. So it was getting darker and darker as the dream went on. The washer toss was set up - a game that was invented by my uncle's friend - with spotlights right off the deck. Tiki torches and candles were lit. We were all outside having dinner. I think it was a BBQ meal - corn, coleslaw and/or macaroni salad, hamburgers, and hot dogs. I think I may have helped cooked or I was just bringing the food out to everyone. But I do remember holding a dish of macaroni n' cheese, which makes sense because that's one of Harley's specialties. So did I make it? Who knows?

Gus was sitting at the head of the table, eating, in the chair farthest from the back door and closest to the steps. He was weaing his sexy black t-shirt and jeans. I think I was sitting next to him with the deck railing behind me. I was wearing a tank top, one that Harley has worn (think that island, investigating Ross's death), and either jeans or capris. My hair might have been in a poneytail. I don't remember eating, but since I was still myself, I probably ate the macaroni n' cheese and coleslaw. I'm a very picky eater, and BBQ food isn't my kind of food, especially burgers and dogs.

As far as what happened it the dream...there wasn't much. But there were the songs playing, and some of them Gus was really unhappy with. In the beinning of the dream and while we were eating, Gus and I were on good terms. There wasn't too much lovey-dovey stuff or anything, though. But then after dinner, when I tried kissing him or getting close to him, he didn't want anything to do with me. He brushed me off. And whenever we passed each other, I'd look at him and he'd sort of glare at me. It's as if I did something wrong, but what? And he stayed around my family, not paying attention to me. I followed him a lot, though.

But I dragged him off the deck away from the house (we have a big yard, and we're set back in the woods), saying, "We need to talk." I said, "Talk to me. What's wrong?" And he told me how some songs that played brought up really bad, recent memories. "Superman" by Lifehouse played when Gus found out "I" cheated on him and he started taking pills again. "Maybe Tomorrow" by Stereophonics played when "we" broke up and he left me. So songs that represent bad times played at the party because they are in the GusH Tunes playlist. He didn't like that I let them play, but I told him I couldn't change the song; I tried, but either it is wasn't the right computer or the computer just wouldn't work. I guess he understood my problem, and I didn't like the songs playing either.

But what's done is done, and I think he let it go. I think he also realized how pointless it was to be angry with me. And besides, there were plenty of good songs playing, like "This Woman Needs" by SheDaisy. So, we made up. I might have kissed his cheek, and we walked back to the deck with an arm around each other. I remember smiling a lot with him and how it felt to touch his shoulder, arm, & back. We shared his chair two ways - me sitting on his lap and sitting next to one another with my legs across his lap. We laughed a lot with my family while still having an arm around each other.

I remember eyeing the washer toss after getting up from the chair. Gus popped up beside me, and I said something about being partners for the game. It might have been "Want to be partners for washer toss?" I think he said something like, "Not yet," because I recall him dragging me off the deck. It seemed like the current game was over, but we were going to sit out the next one. He wanted to take a walk and be alone with me. And I think that's when I woke up, very unfortunately.

Like I said, this is one of the greatest dreams I've ever had because of how real it was. I really remember how it felt to be close to Gus and to touch him and be so in love with him. It all felt so wonderful. I wish it was real. We would be great partners in everything we'd do.


Change Is Good

Just an entry to update everyone...

I've decided to just make this a Gus/Harley blog. Occasionally I might write about Harley's relationships with other guys. But since I am rooting for Gus WAY MORE than Mallet, I've kinda lost interest in Harlet. So I wouldn't be writing about Harlet too much whether I changed the blog or not. And I'm not inspired to write about the Harlet from 10+ years ago.

Hence, welcome to a GusH lover's way of life! It might be more fun this way, meaning I could add some different things besides my opinions. And as always, don't be afraid to share your own thoughts on Gus, Harley, GusH, and/or my posts.

For all you GusH likers or lovers: GusH love is the best love!

~ Kate
Keeper of Harley's love life and GusH's romance.


Weird Dream

For once, an entry is about me. I had a crazy dream last night, and it does concern GusH. There are so many aspects to my dream. I remember bits and pieces, but nothing is in a clear chronological order.

One of those bits and pieces is Gus and Harley...alone together. And the reason I'm writing about it here is so I don't forget it. GusH went on some kind of trip; they arrived at their small, cozy hotel room wherever it was. I think they were vacationing in the tropics, but I'm not sure. What I do know is what they did when they got there... As soon as the door was shut, Gus wanted Harley all to himself. Gus was in the mood for some lovin', but Harley thought they should unpack and then venture out. Gus had none of that; he wanted Harley so bad. And before you know it they are kissing and their clothes are coming off.

I recall there being a significance to the window blinds not being closed, so that's what makes me think they were on an island with a patio, a walkway, or the beach right outside their room (meaning anyone could look in). But Gus convinced Harley to ignore everything and focus of him. I have an image in my head... I remember seeing them sitting on the bed with the covers getting pulled back; Gus was shirtless and working on getting Harley's shirt off. They were kissing wildly as Gus layed down, pulling Harley on top of him.

That's it for that part; I didn't see anything else sex-wise. But I saw a little bit of afterglow. I don't remember much of it, though. I know I saw GusH in bed together, if only when Harley wanted to get up and get dressed before someone walked past their room.

The rest of my dream isn't important. It was alright, but not as exciting as GusH. I can't remember the last time I had a really good GusH dream, especially one where kissing and sex were involved. So, I woke up happy this morning!


Another Split Is To Come

I think this is the most personal blog at this point because of what just happened TODAY.

I still haven't recovered.

Gus overheard Dinah talking to Mallet, and she mentioned the one-nighter between Mallet and Harley. And BAM, my whole world and Gus's whole world are down the drain! Gus was angry throughout the rest of the show; it was really painful. I don't know how he managed to be in the same room as Harley and Mallet.

Let me just say that I knew GusH were getting their vows renewed today and that Gus would find out the truth this week. But I did not expect him to find out BEFORE the vow-renewal. So, I thought that today would be a romantic yet bittersweet show, knowing sadness is around the corner. And I was shocked to see Gus go through the vow-renewal while having the awful truth on his mind.

Now back to the moment Gus found out... You know how angry he was? He was SO angry that he crushed a glass in his bare hands! He so didn't want anything to do with Harley once she showed up. She fixed up his hand, even though he wanted to do it himself. Then there was talk about Phillip and Gus was jealous of seeing Harley with Mallet. He tried getting her alone but couldn't. At this point I wondered how on Earth do they get their vows renewed?! Well, low and behold a minister/priest/whatever-you-call him appeared for Alan and Beth, but they had gone home. So, he was there, the flowers were prepared, and the food was ready. Why not get married again? Harley loved the idea, but of course Gus wasn't so thrilled. I guess he got talked into it 'cause before you know it GusH were wearing the proper attire and standing together in front of the minister.

Gus could barely get through the ceremony. Harley's vows were so beautiful and heartfelt. Gus kinda stumbled through his, bringing up the mistakes of when he was gone months ago. But the ceremony happened, albeit not so romantically as I hoped it would be. Harley was such a happy bride, but Gus was still pained. I still can't understand how/why he went through with re-marrying her; he shouldn't want to be with her or even see her face. I guess he loves her so much and just couldn't ruin the ceremony. Maybe he wasn't sure what to do, so he went along with it. Maybe he wasn't ready to confront Harley and end the happiness. Maybe, maybe, maybe...

What occurred next was unbelievable! I'll admit...that I've always wanted to see a hot, wild GusH sex scene. In fact just recently I was thinking about it and wishing we'd get one some day. But today... Gus's anger fueled everything, and the sex was something I've never seen before. It was completely raw. Gus had to take his anger out somehow. Desire mixed with anger = rawness. And frustration was written all over his face. I wonder what Harley was thinking/feeling since she wasn't full of rage. This sex scene was quite unexpected; I certainly didn't think we'd get one under these cirumstances. Yes, we got raw GusH sex, but Gus was in pain on the inside and Harley was feeling the opposite. So, it seemed pretty brutal.

But the saddest, most heartbreaking thing was the very last scene. Gus went down stairs, started drinking, and popped a pill. With the difficult detox he went through with Harley, it's devestating to see him back on pills. Everything they did went down the drain today. I know he had said he was still struggling, but today he actually downed a pill. That's when I cried the most. I was a wreck through the whole show, but the tears really started pouring during that final scene.

And I'm still not over it. The hurt, anger, and sadness is still inside me. You can see the depression on the outside too. Now don't worry about me. Writing this entry really helps; getting all this out puts me at ease.

But this is only the beginning... Once Gus confronts Harley with what he knows, that's when things will completely explode. For them it'll be anger; for us it'll be tears. Their next split/break-up is upon us. And it won't be pretty.

Now allow me to express some rage. As much as I like Harlet...



Sweet Reunion

Wasn't Gus and Harley's reunion SO wonderful?! OMG, it was perfect!

Ok, I know it happened, like, over a month ago. But how can I not write about it? I am a GusHer!

When Harley turned and saw Gus, tears poured out of every GusH fan. Their first moments together were sweet and emotional. They started getting familiar with one another again...until the guard came thru and pointed a gun at them. How very protective of Gus to have Harley behind him; no matter what he's been through, it's always about his girl. Of course GusH beat the guard, proving how physically strong they are together.

I loved that Gus wanted to be alone with Harley, and I loved that Harley brought Gus to their house! Even though it's STILL unfinished, it's a private, romantic place for them. One of the magazines said they'd be nervous with each other, and they were. It wasn't painfully obvious, but you could tell. They had not been together in 3 months, so it was really nice that they took time to just talk...

Harley: "And even though I couldn't be with you physically, even though I couldn't um... touch you, or hear your voice calling me from one of the rooms in this house, your spirit ran through me like blood through my veins, and that was enough."

They got to know each other again. Each said what they went through while missing the other. And they went thru a range of emotions - the major one going from anger to passion. Harley railed Gus for leaving her but stopped and started showing some love. I guess she realized that: it doesn't matter anymore; Gus was tortured as much as she was; she should focus on being happy to have Gus back. And just like that, they were 'gettin' it on' on a blanket set up on the floor...shirts off, pants undone, kissing heavily...

Harley: "You know, while you were gone I couldn't breathe. It was like there was air in my lungs, but a bulldozer was pushing it down. Now I can finally breathe again."
Gus: "Well, that's a good thing. Because that will enable me to take your breath away."

Too bad they were interupted TWICE! Mallet just don't get it when Harley says she's fine and can take care of herself. Good thing she got him to leave. Then GusH talked some more, in which you could see that they weren't nervous anymore, and picked up where they left off...

Harley: "You have no idea the stuff you've missed since you've been gone. But right now...all I see is you."
Gus: "Is that right?"
Harley: "All I want is you."

And then the most beautiful love scene shined before our very eyes. Can't say it was the best GusH love scene, but I'm pleased with what we got. Their weding song, "There You Are" by Martina McBride, played, which makes the song even more special. GusH went slow, re-discovering each other and being careful with Gus's leg. And slow is very sexy... My favorite parts are: Harley kissing Gus's neck, Gus kissing Harley's back & neck, and Gus unhooking Harley's bra & slipping the straps off her shoulders. So, yes, of course the hottest parts are also the best parts.

The afterglow was even better since they were obviously quite familiar with one another again. Afterglows are just as wonderful as love scenes; it's always great to see Gus and Harley under sheets knowing they're naked and they just made love. This particular time was their sweetest yet! Harley told Gus about Valentine's Day (see 'A Valentine's To Remember' entry) and said it would be great to "go back and undo everything we messed up". But Gus, being the romantic that he is, said, "I think we should concentrate on the here and now." And the "here and now" meant being together and loving each other...

Harley: "Welcome home, Aitoro."
Gus: "It's good to be home. It's good."
Harley: "I love you."
Gus: "You do? I love you, too."

*BIG SIGH* Best GusH reunion EVER!!! And actually, I think it's their only reunion. If it's not, then it is certainly their most important. :)

Check out the wallpaper I made for the occasion:


All Wired Up

I know it's over a month later and I should have wrote about this sooner, but... Think back to February 23...outside Company...which turned out to be a great day for Harleteers...

Mallet and Harley were getting ready for their first case since she returned to the police force. They were doing that funny bickering thing, which in their case is flirting. Sure, nothing romantic happened, but there was serious sexual tension.

Remember what started the tension?

Harley: Mallet, I'm all yours.
Mallet: Great. Unbutton your blouse.

And the heat just esculated from there! Harley wasn't too keen about it, but before you know it, her shirt was 100% unbuttoned while Mallet wired her. He was all around her; they definitely looked like they could have been in a compromising position. And if you're a Harleteer, you could tell they both liked it. What's amazing is that they kept doing it while Harley talked to Dinah on the phone. To them nothing was going on, but to Harleteers sex was written all over them!

Allow me to point out a few hot things:
* Mallet touching her waist and being right at the start of her jeans
* Mallet seeing her completely unbuttoned...aka...seeing her bra
* Mallet glancing right at her breasts
* Harley smiling a lot and telling Dinah her first day on the job is "not so bad either".

Their actions and nonverbal cues spoke much louder than their words since they only talked about their case. So, thank God for nonverbal communication because everything they did was so HOT! I almost can't believe nothing further happened between Harlet, but they were focused on their job and were RIGHT OUTSIDE Company. It's unbelievable no one, especially her family, caught/saw them!

Either way, sexual tension filled the atmosphere; it's obvious if you've seen it with your own eyes. I loved every second of Harley getting wired up! Who would've thought that could be such an arousing process? It might have been a cheap thrill and false hope, but I'll take whatever Harlet stuff TPTB give us.


Forever Deprived!

What is the most common occurrence on soap operas?


Peoples marry each other all the time! There are marriages of convenience, accidental/unwanted marriages (mainly due to drunkenness), green card & trust fund marriages, etc. But of course there are people who are in love and marry because they want to spend the rest of their lives together. Those couples deserve and ultimately get the lavish wedding of their dreams. But what’s the other thing our favorite supercouples usually get?

A honeymoon?
Well, no, not always. Some couples don’t have time or money for one. Some couples have one months later. And some just head off to their destination without looking back, and the damn honeymoon is never even shown.

What I’m talking about is…a wedding night! All lovey-dovey newlyweds should have one, right? And besides the wedding, fans want to see a sexy, romantic wedding night for their couple. And it has nothing to do with the honeymoon half the time. A wedding night is something special that shows a couple’s private celebration of their wedding and marriage. It’s a memorable time for every couple.

So, why didn’t we see Gus and Harley’s wedding night?? I mean, sure, I understand they’d be on their honeymoon in Greece off the air since their portrayers took a two-week vacation. But couldn’t the wedding night still have been shown? Couldn’t TPTB have made room for it, even if it was only one little scene?

GusH is a very beloved couple that has existed for almost five years. They’ve been through so many obstacles together. They’ve had numerous good times and bad times. It took them so long to finally get married, which was a wonderful occasion. Their wedding was absolutely beautiful and perfect for them and the fans. After waiting years and months for it to happen, wouldn’t a wedding night have been fantastic? I believe it would have been icing on the cake!

Just imagine… GusH arrive at their gorgeous honeymoon suite in Santorini, and Gus carries his bride over threshold. They celebrate their love and marriage in romantic style… They have a lovely candlelight dinner with champagne. They share their sweet dessert and end up dancing to soft music. Any talking they do…is quite simple and romantic… They simply bask in their love and shut out the entire world. Eventually they make love for the first time as husband and wife; it’s very slow and gentle… They’d have the sexiest yet most loving love scene ever. Their afterglow would add to the love and beauty.

Now wouldn’t that have been wonderful to see? Wouldn’t it have been great to witness a part of their intimate happiness? How dare TPTB deprive us of Gus and Harley’s wedding night!

Wedding nights are obviously important to me. I believe they’re sacred, especially to true love soap opera couples. GusH is definitely true love. And yes, couples do marry more than once, but the very first time is the most special. I know I’m not the only one feeling deprived. But no matter what, I’m sure GusH’s wedding night was romantic and perfect for them. I bet it was one of the best nights of their life.


First Real Love

What do you think of when you hear Cross Creek?

You tend to think of Josh, Reva, and the Lewis family, right? I do too. But Cross Creek is significant to another couple…

Mallet and Harley first got together at Cross Creek way back in 1992. I wasn’t watching back then due to being too young, but someone hooked us fans up with some clips. It was good to finally see Beth Ehlers’ Harley with Mark Derwin’s Mallet and also to see Harley when she was just a cute, young thang.

Let me refresh your mind… Harley went to Cross Creek to avoid Mallet because she was angry after seeing him with another woman. He tracked her down to profess his love for her and to explain how the woman meant nothing to him. The woman took actions to get him, not the other way around. Mallet also explained how he wasn’t interested in the woman because there was someone else (Harley). He said the “L” word to Harley so many times while she tried to make sense of it and figure out how they’d be together. She professed her love too, and they spent plenty of quality time together (they made love for the first time).

So, now let me say how blessed I feel to have seen those scenes. I loved seeing the start of Harlet’s romantic relationship! It was a major point in Harlet history as well as a special time for Harleteers.

I’ve watched the scenes over and over again. What Harleteer hasn’t? But I’ll never forget the first time I saw them, after downloading them all first of course. I was lying on my bed on my stomach with my feet towards the headboard. I was wearing my terry-cloth robe. My eyes were glued to my laptop; each scene was wonderful and left me excited for the next. They were adorable and sweet together. I loved hearing them say “I love you”. I loved their song in the background: “When A Man Loves A Woman” by Percy Sledge; it set the tone perfectly… Love was in the air. And with the love scenes…my whole body was on fire; I really needed some cool air. Harlet were going slow and being very loving, but they were still so damn hot! The very last scene was the sweetest because they were just so happy to finally be in love together.

After seeing every scene, I had the biggest, brightest smile on my face. I was so happy! When I went downstairs, I stood in the doorway of the backdoor and embraced the cold, winter air. I really needed it, lol! And of course I went back and re-watched everything, but soon I was only re-watching the love scenes. They’re the best parts, lol!

All humor aside… Cross Creek showed how great Mallet and Harley were and proved what a supercouple they were. I assume they were the sweetest, hottest couple around back then. I’m sure I would have loved them if I had been old enough. Harley is good with anybody, and she seemed to be the best with Mallet (back then). He was her first true love; what they had was something special.

Can’t say that Cross Creek was the best Harlet time ever because I haven’t seen every Harlet scene, but it was definitely a memorable time. It’s a time for every Harleteer to enjoy and remember forever.


YAY!! Celebration!

Happy 6-Month Anniversary to Gus and Harley! I can't believe they got married six whole months ago! Where has the time gone?

I know it's not a happy time for them right now, but if they weren't apart like this, they'd be together and their marriage would still be going strong. We and Harley can still have some kind of celebration...like maybe a lovely toast to her and Gus or just Gus.

My toast: here's to Gus getting back to Harley really soon! I can't wait to see them together again!

So, Happy Anniversary, GusH!!! I'd love to see them happily married on their 1-year anniversary. Wouldn't that be such a romantic occasion? *sigh*


A Valentine's to Remember

How wonderful that GusH was acknowledged on Valentine's Day! They've had good memories on Valentine's. And this year was the best I could ever ask for with them being apart the way they are.

Harley spent time at her house while remembering her husband. It's great to see that her under-construction house with Gus still exists. I was very happy and plesently surprised to see Gus with Harley through the whole show, even if it was only in her mind. And there were candles everywhere, music, a fire, flowers...all very romantic.

But it was also quite sad... Harley finally shead some tears as she had it out with Imaginary Gus. It was easy to see how much she loves and misses him. She spilled her heart out to Imaginary Gus, which was the saddest thing of all. It was something us fans have been needing to see, but it broke our hearts. It's depressing to see my Harley sad. It was sweet to see Imaginary Gus comfort her the best way he could - simply by talking to her and being close to her.

Everything else was just fun and so GusH. They laughed together, Gus "helped" her build a fire, they danced... It was so romantic, and it felt normal and comforting to see them together even though it wasn't real. It seemed like closure for Harley. All she really needed was to be with Gus one last time; she kind of got that even though it was only in her mind. All she wants is to have one more moment with Gus, so it was sad when he finally left her. She's still all alone, and she's realized that she won't get that last moment with him.

It was a loving celebration but just so sad. All the scenes were so great; it was a lovely Valentine's for Harley. The best parts were GusH being together, in some form or another, and the real Gus calling out his wife's name, knowing it's Valentine's. The saddest part was, obviously, GusH being apart on Valentine's Day - the day where we could see them romancing each other. But as sad as that is, what's even sadder is Harley thinking her Gus is dead and she'll never have another moment with him.

Oh, just wait till Harley finds out Gus is alive! It'll be the best, most emotional thing in the world when they are finally together again.

Sweet Moment

Yes, Harley was at the Spaulding party because of Gus, and yes, she was thinking of Gus the whole time. Yes, Mallet was there with Dinah, and yes he only asked Harley to dance because Dinah told him to. But they danced! And it was very sweet! So, it wasn't a romantic dance nor were they dancing very close. But they danced!

I've never seen them dance, so of course I'm kinda freaking out. They didn't dance for long, but it was still so sweet. Both of them were dressed up, looking very fine. They held onto each other, and their hands came together. They kept smiling and made small talk. It was nice. They seem to be good friends, but on the inside they both know they could be more.

Harley said he doesn't dance, but he danced just fine. She probably brought out the good dancing in him. And they both agreed she could use a crutch, but deep down what they might need is each other. They could realize that one of these days. Mallet practically confessed his love for her (again) when she commented on how he's always been there for her. Mallet: "Well, that's what we do for the people we love." It may have come out wrong, but I'm that's how he feels. Aww!

Like I said, Gus was on Harley's mind, not Mallet. So, naturally the dance didn't last long. It was a short but sweet moment. I think they felt the chemistry between them with that dance and throughout their entire time at the party. I mean, how about when Harley showed up in her pretty, slinky, pink dress? Mallet had the hugest smile on his face, and I'm sure part it was due to how sexy she looked.

Simple, seemingly meaningless time between Harlet, but their feelings were there. They kept the love and infatuation buried, but it was there. Any Harlet fan could see it.


A Rose

So, Harley attended the Spaulding Valentine’s Party. What a way to be there for your employees and show you can handle your job after losing the love of your life! She did day it’s all for Gus. Thinking of Gus at a stupid Spaulding party… sigh… And she looked so pretty in her very feminine, very Valentine’s, pink dress! But I’m not writing to discuss the party or her job…

Harley said goodbye to Gus in the simplest yet sweetest way – with a single red rose. It was the most lovely, beautiful moment at a party celebrating love’s holiday. She snuck away to be alone and think of Gus. It was the best gesture of love we could have asked for. I loved how she softly pressed the rose against her lips as if kissing Gus one last time. What made it so magical was the music; it provided a shimmery, luminous sound as she flung the rose away. And then she was sad, looking so alone and longing for Gus to be right by her side.

Saying goodbye to her true love was heartbreaking indeed; how could it not be? She was more in love with Gus than anyone else. He fulfilled her life in more ways than one. And now she thinks he’s gone…the fun, the love, the romance, and the happiness is gone from her life just like that. How very sweet but very tear-jerking to see Harley say farewell one last time when all she wants is him back or at least just one more moment with him. She misses him terribly; how can she move on from the beautiful love she had with Gus?

Oh, I await the day Gus comes back to Harley and her life is filled with joy and love again! It can’t come soon enough.



Fresh new GusH avatars!! Aren't they so cool and creative?!

Love's Survival

Now I don't mean to be pessimistic or to choose one couple over the other, BUT...

Do Gus and Harley have a chance? Is there hope for them once he discovers her little fling with Mallet? Will they make it through this next obstacle?

Anything can happen...

What I'd love to see is Harley being completely honest with her husband. She doesn't have to tell him right away once he's back, but she'd have to eventually. It'd probably be best once he's better and out of the hospital. If he'd hear her out and try to understand the circumstances, I'm sure they would make it through. Gus might need a little time to digest everything and make sense of it all, but he'd come around. He would forgive his wife and maybe blame Mallet. GusH would be okay; they'd move forward and be happy again.

Here's the what will most likely happen: Harley will keep it a secret for as long as she can. She'll keep saying to Mallet, "Don't tell Gus. You can't tell Gus." And at some point someone will overhear them talking about that night they spent together. Gus could be the one that's overhears, which sounds disastrous. He'd probably get the wrong impression and have a blow-out fight with Harley. He'd fight with Mallet too; I can picture him punching Mallet for taking advantage of his girl. Gus simply wouldn't understand how they thought he was dead and she needed comforting. Harley did something unthinkable; how could Gus live with that? GusH would definitely be apart for a while; it could even lead to divorce.

Despite the two different scenarios, GusH could make it. They've been through so much already. Who says they can't get through this? Who says they can't move past her sleeping with Mallet? Gus and Harley truly belong together. It'll be rough, it'll be full of angst, it's a long road ahead... But Gus and Harley can get through this obstacle and come out tougher on the other side. Their love is the strongest I've ever seen. It's a powerful thing, and it can survive this.

GusH love lives forever!!!


A Chance?

A mystery. A mystery among many. Only the powers that be could have the answer.

What is the future of Harlet? Does anyone really know? Do they have one at all?

Harley will always be in love with Gus. She has moved on with her life. And Gus will come back to her. He'll never let her go. Mallet is with Dinah; they really like each other. Their relationship could turn into something serious and special. BUT, Harley and Mallet still have feelings for one another; there is still love between them. They were once married and thought they'd always be together. It's not easy to get over a love like that.

So...Harlet together again? Is it possible?

Well, anything's possible. But it could take a while for Harlet to be a couple again, and I mean a WHILE. Sure, they could have a fling somewhere between GusH being apart and being together. But a real relationship where they're trying to make it as a couple and Gus and Dinah are not an major factor... Who knows?

I believe somewhere down the road they'll be together. There is a future for them. When they're still in love, how could there not be? Their relationship won't be the same, though. They've both changed since they ended their marriage, which was about nine or ten years ago. They've grown up and moved on to greater things & other people (at least Harley has). It is said that change is good. So maybe Harlet's prospective new relationship will be something great. They could be a success again.

No one knows what lies in their path or what obstacles are coming their way. They could be together again, but we'll just have to wait and see. For those that want them together, patience is obviously key. Good luck, fellow Harleteers!


Happy Valentine's!!

GusH and Harlet Valentines I made today. Enjoy!! Maybe I'll make some more. :)



It's the best thing in the world! Should've happened last year, but better now than never. It's wonderful; it's well deserved; it's about time!

Beth Ehlers is nominated for the Lead Actress Emmy!!! Lets all jump for joy and do a happy dance, lol!
And she is the first actress to hit all three categorical levels: younger, supporting and now lead. So cool! Congrats to her!

I believe last year should have been her year, but she wasn't nominated. She was robbed! She had some awesome work last year but was totally overlooked. But she's finally nominated for lead, and she deserves it. She was phenomenal during Harley's trial and its fallout - prison and going on the run. Her best work was during that damn trial, and hopefully she'll win for it.

Ricky Paull Goldin isn't nominated, but if Beth wins, I'd like for her to share it with him. They're a team; they bring out the best in each other. Where would she be work-wise without him?

I'd like to believe Beth has a great chance of winning, but I'm not sure. The other nominees are Kim Zimmer, Susan Flannery, Bobbie Eakes, and Kelly Monaco. Bobbie and Kelly have never been nominated before, so their chance can't be too good. Kim and Susan have won numerous times; they're damn divas. And Beth has been nominated four times but still hasn't won. All five are wonderful actresses, and anything can happen. Any one of them could win. But no one deserves it more than Beth.

It is a honor for Beth just to be nominated. So if she doesn't win, I'll think of that. Being nominated gets her some recognition. Being nominated shows that's she's great and worthy of a win. Being nominated gets some recognition for Guiding Light. It's all good even if she doesn't win.

But if Beth does win...I'll probably cry with joy and burst with excitement. There should be a huge applause and enough time for her to give a great acceptance speech. I'd love to see her hold up her Emmy proud and remember to thank Ricky. It would be a momentous occasion, and I'm sure she'd party hard after the ceremony. I'll be partying too, kind of. Win or no win, I'll toast to her.

Good luck, Beth Ehlers!!! I and many other fans are rooting for you! Here's to a fabulous Emmy night - April 28th on ABC!!


Gus AND Mallet??

What if Harley could have BOTH men? Yes, it's impossible....her kids would be confused, both guys would be jealous, she could get pregnant, and there's too many serious emotions involved, but what if it actually could happen?

First of all...Harley and Gus could not be married. It just wouldn't be right. Her being with her husband one second and then going off with her lover the next? It'd be considered adulterous, which sounds like it would be too complicated.

Next...don't think of Dinah, her kids, her family, or anybody's true feelings with this. Just think of it as something fun!

Harley's sex life would be off the charts, for one thing. She’d be a very satisfied woman, getting the best of both guys, LOL!

I picture her seeing Mallet one minute and then Gus the next (or vice versa). She'd be dating and sleeping with both guys. I think she'd still live in the Spaulding Mansion since she's currently CEO of SE. I picture the living situations being the same...…Harley and Gus living together and Mallet residing at The Beacon. I'm thinking of Gus and Mallet being fine with Harley seeing them at the same time. I'm not thinking threesome; that's not right for any of them. Just imagine Harley having a good time with Gus and then leaving to go have a good time with Mallet. There could be romance; there could be hot kinky sex. Whatever Harley likes to do with Gus, and whatever she likes to do with Mallet.

Harley gets to be with BOTH guys; how fun (or weird) can that be? Lets see...…


Harley and Gus get into Gus's car after having a romantic dinner at Towers.

H: You're the best, Gus.
She leans across to kiss his cheek.

G: Why?

H: For taking me out to dinner and ordering champagne and sharing your dessert with me.

G: Anything for my girl.
They both smile.

H: Where are you taking me now?

G: Mm...where do you think?
He arches his eyebrows at her with a naughty twinkle in his eyes.

Harley smiles seductively.
H: Gus...sounds like dinner was just a way to get me into bed.

G: Oh, you think so? Well, perhaps I was only showing you a good time and proving what a gentleman I am.

H: Yeah right.

They head back to the Spaulding Mansion and make their way up to their bedroom. After closing the door, Gus picks her up and carried her to the bed. He sits down with her in his lap, holding her firmly. She wraps her arms around his neck and smiles.

H: I love being with you. You're so romantic. And fun.
She kisses his cheek and lips softly.

G: Harley, I feel the same way. You ready for some more fun, babe?
He leans in and kisses her neck hungrily.

H: Mmm! Always!

They fall back on the bed and end up making sweet monkey love. During the afterglow, after catching their breath, Harley lies in Gus's arms.

H: You're so amazing, sweetie. And this proves it: You were so trying to get me into bed. That was your goal.

G: Harley... I'm not admitting to anything. Just...maybe. But you were very willing to go to bed.
They both laugh sexily.

H: I have every reason to be willing.
She stretches, sighs, and snuggles up to Gus.
H: What time is it?

Gus glances at the bedside clock.
G: Not very late. Don't tell me you have to leave already.

H: I think I do. I promised Mallet I'd see him tonight.

G: When you saw him earlier today?

H: Yeah. I should really head over there before I start falling asleep.

She gives Gus a quick kiss, and he watches as she gets out of bed and dresses. When ready to leave, she kisses Gus goodbye.

H: I'll come back, you know.

G: Wake me up when you get back, ok? And have fun with Mallet, but not too much.

Harley smiles and kisses him again. She heads to the door and turns back.
H: Love you.

G: Love you, too, Coop.

After arriving at Mallet's Beacon suite...

H: Hey, you!
She greets him with a passionate kiss.

M: Hey to you too. I was wondering when you'd show up. I've been waiting.

H: Sorry. I told you Gus and I had a date tonight, and then we spent time together at home.

M: How was your date?

H: Very nice. Very romantic.
She gives him a full kiss and sits on the bed.

He sits down next to her.
M: I missed you, Harley.

Harley smiles sweetly and kisses him again.
H: I had fun with Gus, but I did kinda miss you.

M: Kinda?

Harley smiles.
H: Yeah...kinda.

M: Well we're together now. And we're still on for our date tomorrow night?

H: Yes! I can't wait!

M: Will you spend the night?

H: I don't know, Mallet. Maybe.

M: I know you hate leaving Gus alone at night, but I'm alone too.

H: I know. I'm doing my best. If only I could be at two places at once, right?

Mallet grins.
M: Don't worry about it. It's been working out okay.

Harley grins back and leans on his shoulder.
H: So, I'm here. What do you want to do?

M: Ha, ha! What do you think I want to do?

H: Mmm! I think I know. And I have a suggestion...how about a hot shower together?

Mallet kisses her fiercely, and their clothes come off in a frenzy as they make their way into the bathroom. The shower of course leads to steamier things, and afterwards, they lie on the bed in robes wrapped in each other's arms.

H: Mallet...I love showering with you. You're so good.

Mallet smiles, and they lie together peacefully for a while.

M (softly): Can you stay the night?

H: That'd be nice, but I told Gus I was coming back.

M: I wish we could be together longer tonight.

H: I know. Tomorrow, okay? Definitely tomorrow!

Mallet nuzzles her neck.
M: I can't wait.

A little while later Harley prepares to leave.

M: Wish you could stay.

H: Mallet... I'll see you tomorrow, ok?
She kisses him; he tries to deepen, but she pulls away, smiling.

M: Think about me. Sleep tight with Gus. I know he'll keep you safe and warm.

H: You're so sweet.
She heads to the door and turns.

M: Love you, Cooper.

H: Love you, too.


Weird, eh? If there weren't emotions involved, it could totally happen. Harley does love both men, but this is the real world...she can only be with one guy (thanks to our monogamous society).

What do you think, though? Pretty interesting her having both guys, huh? Aynthing's possible in our imaginative minds. :)


Sexy GusH Creations

Here are some GusH pictures....very sweet indeed!

Harlet Love

I created my first Harlet avatar using a pic from yesteryear. I was too young to enjoy the old Mallet and Harley, but I know I would have loved them. (And I recenly downloaded clips of some good ole times.)


Lets talk about emotions. Not yours. Not mine.

Harley's! Or lack thereof.

Where is Harley's emotions during this whole Gus-is-missing, Gus-is-dead story? Yes, we've seen her worried about him and how she'll tell her kids the news, but that's about it. There are only two episodes I remember where Harley showed how sad, lonely, and upset she's been without Gus. One of those was her first days without him when he was only missing. The other time was when she got the evidence "proving" Gus dead. And that's it! How could she not have been distraught every day alone, wondering where he is and if he's coming back? I understand Harley wanting to keep her emotions in check for her kids and not wanting to seem weak, but come on!! Gus is her husband, her true love! How can she not be depressed? How come she hasn't broken down yet?

When Harley finally believed that Gus is gone, she grieved by getting drunk. Yeah, getting drunk, almost hooking up with some guy, totally NOT sobbing (not so much as one tear), and seeking comfort in Mallet's arms. And now she has accepted that Gus is dead, is trying to move on, and is so not grieving anymore. What the hell? This is Gus she lost, right? Gus - husband, soulmate, the man she has loved for the past FOUR years! Gus - the man who has been loyal and devoted ONLY to her! He's never even looked at another woman, he'd do anything for her, and he literally cannot live without her. Harley claims to love him as much as he loves her (and I'm sure she does), but where's the grieving? Where's the emotion?

I'm sure it's ultimately the writers fault for Harley's lack of emotion and that Beth Ehlers is doing her very best with everything she's given.

Bad Timing

Let me start off by saying how the timing of Harlet getting together SUCKS!!

I mean, Harley does believes her husband is dead, but she JUST found out. Let her grieve before she hits the sack with her ex-husband! Sure, Gus has been missing for a month, and now they have evidence that "proves" he's dead, but she needs to be comforted by her family, NOT her ex-husband who still has feelings for her (and vice versa). I know, I know....Harley's track record for being majorly hurt involves her turning to alcohol and sex for comfort, but couldn't it have been different this time?

The Coopers usually band together when one of their own is hurt, but where were they this time? They weren't there for Harley as much as they should have been when Harley started believing her husband was gone. Instead she was forced to grieve by doing shots at Outskirts Bar, where she was so drunk that she almost left with a stranger who she thought was Gus. Then Mallet swooped right in and saved her. It's a relief that someone showed up, but what was Mallet doing there in the first place? We'll never know, but why did he take Harley to his hotel room rather than home to her family? Alcohol and sexy ex-husband = NO GOOD!

So, a shower miraculously sobered Harley up, and she was talking to Mallet all about Gus and how she thinks he's dead and has to move on. Saying how she still loves Gus and getting some comforting hugs from Mallet leads her to have sex with him. What the hell was she thinking? She knew it was Mallet, she was "sober"...but she was missing Gus and needing the love & safeness she felt from him. So Harley turned to Mallet, a man she still has feelings for. This could have huge consequences, especially since they think Gus is gone! They could end up back together, but wait! That can't happen because Harley is still married! Gus is alive and being held captive, and he'll somehow make his way back to her. Her and Mallet can't be together...oh if only they knew...

Mallet was once the love of Harley's life, and I'm sure a piece of Harley has never stopped loving him. They were great together; they had a huge love story. I believe they'd be together if Gus wasn't in the picture. But he still is...in two ways. We know he's still alive, and he'll reunite with Harley eventually. Harley believes he's dead, but she's still very much in love with him....she's not ready to move on yet. Now's not the time for Harley to be with Mallet. Her life with Gus still exists, and I await the day she founds out he's still alive.

As much as I really enjoy Mallet and Harley, it's just bad timing with Gus still very much in the picture. I loved the Harlet comfort sex (as I call it), but it should have been put off until a time when it's just them....all about them and their relationship.

Welcome All!

Welcome to my GL blog everyone! As you can see, this is all about Harley Cooper and her relationships with Gus and Mallet. I like her with pretty much everybody, but these two guys are her most important relationships, at least where her love life is concerned.

I've been a GusH fan for the past four years. They're the best for many reasons, but mainly...he's her match! They were meant to be together.

I just became a Harlet fan last week. Can you believe that? I've hated Mallet since he returned to town, but last week I told myself to try to like him with Harley (long story for another post). And it worked! They pretty good together.

Now I like both pairs, and I'm here to express my views on them. And you'll also see some pictures, avatars, and other creative things. You'll also here about some of their best scenes and their history, with my commentary of course.

So hear me out and enjoy! Don't be afraid to share your own comments, whether you agree or disagree with me or even if you don't like the characters. Just don't bash the show or the actors please. :)

~ Kate
Keeper of Harley's love life