
A "Quickie"

Oh, what a hot one this is!

This hotness is of a very unexpected love scene from July 2006. NO ONE saw this coming! What happened to GusH during this episode was the discussion of working together as detectives again. They were at Company for a while, and then they bickered in their hotel room. Very funny stuff! And the scene before their lovemaking, Harley said, "You know what's a mystery to me? How it is after all this time...I just want you more and more." Then there was kissing. This episode had a closing montage of everyone, and to our sweet surprise we got this quick hot sex scene. The word "wow" is the only way to describe it besides "hot". So, of course I had to create a wallpaper of this because I LOVE the love scenes!

I had a set of pictures to work with, and since it was a short scene, I didn't have too many to use. I pretty much displayed the whole sequence in two rows. They all flow together almost seamlessly. I wanted them to be side by side like they are. There's a collage-effect to it.

Each picture is 100% steamy! My two favorites are the top left corner one and the one below that - the two steamiest moments, in my opinion. That first one is the very beginning of the scene, and it's the hottest embrace I've ever seen. The second one is when his hand is sliding down her back to her hip - wow!

The background is red because it suits the hot sex in the pictures. So does the black of the two lines, which are there to fill space. I chose a pale pink color for the text since the red is so dark. And I made the text huge because I really wanted it to stand out. I call this the "hot mini love scene" because of how short it was (about 20 seconds). Way too short but SO FREAKIN' HOT!

Also, there was a song playing during the entire closing montage. It was "Over My Head (Cable Car)" by The Fray. But it totally doesn't fit the love scene or GusH at all.

Love, Love, and More Love

I am very proud of this wallpaper because I just think it is so clever & creative. I'm so in love with it! I came up with this one because of that kissing picture. It was ALL about that one picture because it was new at the time. It's from the fall of 2006 when Harley was still CEO of Spaulding Enterprises (not for much longer, though). Also at the time, there were not many kissing scenes. It was kind of a GusH drought period. So, when this long, deep kiss occurred, I had to do something with it.

I believe I placed the picture first. I just wanted one huge photo because it was just one little scene. One was all that was needed. I know I didn't want it to take up the whole canvas. So, I created that big heart beside it. I wanted it red, which is to me the color of love. And I wanted a very light-colored background. The "Gus & Harley" text is black to contrast with the other brighter colors going on. And I added some effects to the heart - the white outline and the way it kinda jumps off the page. It's a lovely heart for an in-love couple that was GusH.

Somehow I came up with the brilliant idea to put the word "love" everywhere. Genius, in my opinion. Either I thought that up or I started with one "love" and the rest just followed. And as you can see, I used different colors and fonts. I know I used the aquamarine-blue twice. Didn't notice that till the wallpaper was finished. I didn't want the "love"s to cover Gus & Harley. I wanted them to fill the background and some spaces around & in the heart. The two stars are there to take up space that bothered me, lol. Those two background spaces needed to be filled. And I also didn't want the "love"s too close together. I think they cover the wallpaper beautifully, affirming the love between Gus & Harley.


Reunion Love Scene

This goes with the previous wallpaper. There was a beautiful, passionate love scene during the second reunion episode. And after that, of course, there was a sweet afterglow. Love scenes are important to us fans, so I had to create this wallpaper.

After an emotional roller coaster, Gus & Harley rediscovered each other & reaffirmed their love. It was what we fans hoped to see. It cemented the reunion, meaning it made the reunion more official to me. They were completely back together for good. Nothing would tear them apart again (or so they thought at the time).

I had a set of pictures from the love scene. So, I used what I thought were the best pics. My two personal favorite moments are her kissing the back of his neck and him unhooking her bra. Both are just so damn sexy! It was a very soft, loving, and slow lovemaking. Simply fabulous!

I did a little experimenting with the background. I wanted to "make" my own background. I chose the colors gray and light pink to match Gus's sweat jacket and Harley's bra. I think I began with the thin pink light around the edge of the canvas, and then I filled the background with the gray. And I drew lines of pink. Without even realizing it, I created a checkered pattern. Seriously, I didn't even know I was doing that until it was almost finished. I didn't intend to make that pattern. It just came out of me somehow. And I don't really like it 'cause it'd not perfect. But oh well.

The most beautiful song played during this love scene - "There You Are" by Martina McBride - Gus & Harley's wedding song. I was so pleased yet a bit surprised that GL's powers-that-be remembered their wedding song. It matched the pace of this love scene magnificently. And so, I wanted to put a bit of the song in this wallpaper. I wracked my brain trying to find the lyric that fit best. What I've chosen symbolizes Harley searching for Gus, and she found him at night.

And finally, for some reason I wanted a black box for the bottom text. I know I didn't want the text to be just sitting out there like the song lyrics. I wanted it to be in some sort of shape to make it stand out. I think black fit the best with the light background colors. So, we've got white on black to remember when this love scene occurred.


Glorious Reunion

This was the big payoff we fans were waiting for during the whole Gus-being-presumed-dead story. Practically THREE WHOLE MONTHS of Gus and Harley apart, and then Harley finally found Gus. And the scenes displayed in this wallpaper occurred. It was a beautiful reunion, and it lasted two whole episodes. So, I had a good bit to cover. There's a variety of pictures to represent all that went down between them.

On the left side, the hug shows they're glad to have one another back. And I think it occurred after they hashed out some of what they went through without each other. Next to that one they're gazing into each other's eyes as they're about to make love. To the right of that one is pretty much the moment when Harley found Gus (at an asylum where Alan was hiding him). The bottom left is the wonderful kissing before their love scene. The bottom center is when they almost made love but were interrupted. Next to that one shows Harley supporting Gus as he explained his ordeal. And the lovely middle photo is from their afterglow. Lots of pivotal moments!

As you can tell, this is another collage. I wanted the pictures to take over almost the entire wallpaper. I didn't want a background. Together, the pics make up a brown color/glow. Also, I created this wallpaper shortly after these episodes aired. And I had to make this because it's such a monumental part of GusH's history. I left an empty square for the text. I wanted it to say what this collage is of & when it occurred. I chose a navy blue & a pale yellow because they go together nicely, and to me they symbolize nighttime, which is when this reunion took place.


The Perfect Year

Now we have 2005, which was a wonderful yet hectic year for Gus & Harley. It's one of my favorite years, making it the perfect year to me. Sooooo much happened, and that explains the colorful, patterned background. I chose pink for the painted line because it's such a pretty color, suited for all the "pretty" moments of the year.

2005 is the "year of true love" because with everything that happened to GusH I saw just how in love they were. Starting with their initial story - Harley going to trial for "murdering" Phillip - I witnessed the powerful love between these two people. They toyed around with getting back together, but you could see the love in their eyes. It was magic. And when they finally were a couple again, it was everything fans wanted. Gus and Harley were pure brilliance and true love.

Like I already said, A LOT happened during this year. And this wallpaper attempts to highlight some very happy times. There were moments here and there during Harley's trial. They had good times when they went on the run to New York City, one of which is when they made love for the 1st time in almost a year. They got engaged again and were finally married. And another happy time was when they returned from their honeymoon. You could tell they were newlyweds; they were eager for more alone time, hehe.

The sad photo of this wallpaper was during the trial. You can tell it's sad because of Harley's face. Had to put it in here to represent the seriousness of the trial, and it was a moment to remember. They hid away under a desk/table to pretend there was no time and no one could find them. The funny photo next to the sad one is when they "toured" around NYC. It was a very cool montage of them walking everywhere, and in this moment he was rubbing her foot but then pretended that it stunk. LOL! Gus - so funny!

My two favorite pictures (even though I really do like them all):
1) The top right corner where they're kissing with his hand on her neck - they weren't really back together but that was one hot kiss.
2) The top left corner where they're kissing in bed - FREAKIN' HOT! Gus is hot!

I did make a 2006 wallpaper, but it's depressing. It's not one to write about. But you can check it out here: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v714/kateh8/GusH/2006collagecopy.jpg

Tough Year

Now we have a more serious 2004 collage. To out it simply, it wasn't the best of times. So, the drabby grey color touches on the bad parts, and the blue color brightens it up a bit without overdoing it. There were some happy moments throughout the year, which are shown in the collage. It wasn't a completely depressing year, and it isn't their worst year. (That would be 2007.)

Having said that, 2004 was a good tearjerker. It's the "year of trust & rough spots" because GusH went through a VERY heavy ordeal. They finally went through something internal (if you will) that ultimately broke them up. And they were apart for a good couple of months. It was a terribly heartbreaking break-up in the summer, and the rest of the year they missed each other. Though, when Christmas came around, they inched closer to reuniting. So, there were MAJOR rough spots. And the whole "internal" problem revolved around trust. Harley couldn't trust Gus anymore. Very sad!

In this wallpaper I wanted to show the two major holiday moments - the Thanksgiving dance (bottom right corner) and Christmas kiss (the only one where they're kissing). Besides them, it was important to show other sweet moments while they were still together. The two photos that represent the rough spots are the wedding shot and the one on the left where their foreheads are together, fresh from a kiss. It was on their (non)wedding day that they had the huge break-up fight. And the second pic happened just days after they broke up; they sorta almost reunited. Thus, we've got romance and tough times for this year.

My two favorite pictures:
1) The Christmas kiss - LOVE IT! It was the longest kiss EVER! I'm not kidding.
2) The bottom left corner where he's resting his head on her - VERY NICE! She sat in his lap, and at the end of the scene she told him how she'd woo him. Yum!


Beautiful Year

Here we have the year 2003 with a blue background and a sea green color. I believe I chose those colors because they are really calm, peaceful, and in a sense elegant. They go along with the loving theme I attempted to display, I think.

2003 is the "year of beautiful love" because they were committed and pretty much cemented to each other through the whole year. They never broke up. They stood by each other's side. They said "I love you" a lot throughout the year and had a bunch of loving moments. Although they did have some arguments or rifts here and there, they were together THE ENTIRE YEAR. And that says something, in my opinion.

One thing it says is that it was a great year. Let's recap: they discovered who Gus's real parents are, Harley was in the hospital after being shot with Gus always being by her side, they had the hottest love scene in the history of love scenes, they became engaged, they kinda solved a case together during the summer, they worked against and with one another on a case with a side-bet, and they had some romance at the Springfield Inn. It was all good stuff! And it was a year of endearing love.

My two favorite pictures are:
1) The top right corner where they're gazing at her engagement ring - such a romantic time, them getting engaged at home.
2) The one in the dark where they have their shirts off against the wall - HOT LOVE SCENE titled The Wallbanger.


Romantic Year

Here is the 2002 collage, number two in the series. I skipped 2001 because, like I said in the previous entry, I hardly have any pictures from that year. I certainly don't have enough for a collage to represent the whole year. So, here we have lovely 2002.

I picked a multicolor background because multiple things happened to GusH that year. And somehow I decided to paint a black line to go around the actual collage. That's something I did with the rest of the series, and I have realized that those lines aren't necessary. They're just crooked lines that make the whole thing look a bit sloppy, in my opinion. They make the pictures not line up right together. But what's done is done, and I might make more year-by-year collages in the future without the lines/borders.

I've also come up with phrases to sum up each year. I think 2001 might be "A year of hatred and work" or something like that to reflect on how they were forced to work together and they hated each other. Or something to point out that it was the year they first met. Once 2002 came, the hatred vanished and true feelings shined through.

2002 is the "year of new romance" because it was the beginning of the year that they got together romantically, and they became a couple. They went through so many romantic milestones - first official date, first Valentine's, first time (sexually), moving in together, first time saying "I love you", etc. It was a huge year for them! And it was a happy, exciting year for their fans. Those early days were really their golden days - the days before they had any serious problems. Of course, later in the year they battled people who were against them, but they pulled through stronger than ever.

Obviously, we don't need to do tallies anymore. So, here are my two favorite pictures right now:
1) The top right-corner one from the "living in sin" scene - so sweet!
2) The one right next to my 1st favorite where he's cupping her face & kissing her cheek - very hot!

GusH Celebration

This is the first in a series of collages. I didn't intend to create a series; it just happened. And I'm glad it did. It all started with this, which is a simple collage of Gus and Harley's years together from 2002 to the beginning of 2006.

I have always wanted to create a collage. None of my previous wallpapers would be considered collages, but most of my subsequent ones definitely are. It was 2006 in the time of Gus being gone and presumed dead that I created this. With there being a terrible absence of GusH I wanted a wallpaper of them through the years.

I kept the background white and painted a fat red line to serve as a border around the pictures. The pics overlap one another a little. You'll see in the next collages that I did away with overlapping; my perfection set in. As I placed each picture, there left a small space. Somehow I thought up the phrase, "A Celebration of Gus & Harley". Very sweet little phrase, I think.

Now about the photos... 2001 isn't represented because I hardly have any pictures from that year. So, it's skipped. And there wasn't much GusH romance during that year anyway. 2006 is represented by just one photo from Harley imagining Gus (the one where her eyes are closed, and Gus is touching her chin). I think it was suppose to serve as hope for a GusH reunion, sooner rather than later. As for the others, there is a touch of everything, mainly love. There's romance, joy, sex, wedding, fun, and a tiny bit of seriousness with the bottom left-corner photo. And of course you'll notice all the kissing, which is something that Gus & Harley do best.

How about we take a tally of the years from most to least?
2005 - Five
2002 - Three
2003 - Three
2004 - One
2006 - One

I personally believe that 2005 and 2002 are the best years of Gus & Harley's life together. 2003 is a close third. So, I think that explains the tally. 2004 was a bad year with a bad break-up, and 2006 was just starting.

I'll pick two favorite photos even though I love them all:
1) From the Fall of 2005, the one where they're in bed with the green blankets - too funny!
2) From July 2005, the top left-corner where she's in his arms - such a happy moment!