This one is what I consider to be my first brilliant, professional-looking wallpaper. This seems way better than my previous wallpapers, and I wasn't experimenting with anything. I just made it to have it and celebrate the Emmy occasion...
For the 2005 Daytime Emmys there was an online award voted on by the fans - the Most Irresistible Combination. There was a couple nominated from each show featuring a video clip to see what made them so irresitible. Every fan could vote all day every day up until the winner was announced. Us GusHers worked hard and voted our buts off. But I had huge doubts that GusH would win; they were up against couples from the popular soap operas. And I didn't even think there would be an actual envelope and award at the ceremony. I thought the winner would just be announced. Boy, was I completely wrong!
Never underestimate the GusH fans because our voting paid off. It was down to three couples, and Gus & Harley were named the Most Irresitible Combination. The song "Simply Irresistible" played as Ricky and Beth went up to accept their special glass award. And they did not expect to win either. They were so stunned that their speech was...quite unique. But it was a proud night for GusHers.
This wallpaper came around after downloading pictures of the wonderful moment. I wanted the four best ones together in a simple wallpaper. I made that purple background design first. It's actually just a sloppy mess from before I knew how the wallpaper should look. But it looks nice behind the pictures. I don't remember how I made that white circle, though, but doesn't it look so cool? And 'Simply Irresistible' had to go in the center of it. Nothing else would have fit; it had to be that phrase.
This marks my first simple yet beautiful wallpaper. It was easy to create. And looking at now always brings me back to that amazing moment.
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